JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) revealed that the former Deputy Captain of the Anies-Muhaimin Winning Team, Sudirman Said, ran in the Jakarta gubernatorial election (Pilgub) through an individual route.

"Yesterday afternoon we received a team from Mr. Sudirman Said who will register as a candidate pair for governor and deputy governor from the individual route," said Head of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the DKI KPU Election Dody Wijaya at the DKI Jakarta KPU building, Friday.

Dody explained that the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) would later partner with the General Chair of the Indonesian Market Traders Association (IKAPPI) Abdullah Mansuri.

He stated that Sudirman Said was the third candidate to have consulted after former Deputy Head of the National Cyber Crypto Agency (BSSN) Komjen (Ret.) Dharma Pongrekun Police and former Commissioner of PT Petrokimia Gresik (Persero) Noer Fajrieansyah or Bang Fajrie.

Then, of the three pairs of candidates, among them have applied for access to the Candidate Information System (Silon) as the registration stage which will end on May 12 at 23.59 WIB.

"Pak Dharma Pongrekun dan Pak Sudirman Said sudah mengajukan akses Silon," ujarnya seperti dikutip Antara.

The DKI KPU hopes that prospective pairs of candidates who have consulted or have asked for Silon access can immediately complete the support file.

Regarding the obstacles, he explained that they consulted technical matters starting from inputting data that had been served with service table facilities (helpdesk).

In addition, he also informed that Dharma Pongrekun's team would announce the candidate for deputy governor on Sunday (12/5) afternoon.

"The Dharma Pongrekun team announced on Sunday afternoon that it will officially register with its prospective deputy governor candidate," he said.

The DKI KPU said that the deadline for submitting the supporting requirements for candidates for governor and deputy governor of the individual route, namely May 12, 2024.

One of the requirements for prospective cagub and cawagub individual pathways, namely the minimum support of voters contained in the last General Elections Fixed Voter List (DPT) is 618,968 support.

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