Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas stated that the tenure of some of the Hajj Organizing Committee (PPIH) was shortened from 72 days to an average of 52 days, to overcome saturation as in previous years.

"One of the considerations is the level of saturation. Because if we don't immediately take different alternatives, we will feel sorry too, we must be humane," said Minister of Religion Yaqut, quoted from ANTARA, Friday, May 10.

He said the shortened tenure was based on input and evaluation from the previous implementation.

Nevertheless, he ensured, the services provided to Indonesian pilgrims would not be affected by the policy of the shortened term of duty.

"The duty period of these Hajj officers is shortened without reducing the services provided to the congregation. Then we discuss, find the formula," said Yaqut.

On the one hand, Yaqut is fighting for the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of Saudi Arabia to add Hajj officers.

"So it wasn't for a long time. In the past it was 72 to 74 days, you can imagine how saturation was during that time. I think hopefully this will be one of the efforts to maintain services to pilgrims," said Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.

Yaqut continued, they will become new personnel to help and replace previous Hajj officers.

"So later the staff will be backed up with new officers whose terms of duty will be shared roughly," said Minister of Religion Yaqut.

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