TANGERANG - Police said the commotion was allegedly due to the error of residents who asked Pamulang University (Unpam) students to stop praying Rosario at his rented house on Ampera Poncol Street, Setu, South Tangerang, May 5, at night. “ Christians who are holding Rosario's prayer. Finally, a local figure, and RT, have been reminded to disband, it turns out that they have not disbanded either, ” said Cisauk Police Chief, AKP Dhady Arysa when met at the location, Monday, May 6. Because the warning was ignored, said Dhandy, residents expressed their emotions until finally the commotion occurred. “ Finally there was a little commotion, so there was a commotion. Divorced by residents, ” he said. Instead of wanting to intervene, one of the residents got beaten. So that the commotion got out of hand until the end was that two students were hit by sharp weapons. “lai sama warga. Yang merelainya ya ngahi pukul karena orang banyak itu,” ujarnya. Meanwhile, a student group witness, LE revealed the riot that occurred in his place when he prayed Rosario at his rented house, Jalan Ampera Poncol, Setu, South Tangerang, Sunday, May 5. He told that the incident began when his party was praying, suddenly residents reprimanded the worship group to ask them to stop praying “ Next is prayer. Then he (the resident) said what he didn't hear. Because inside. Then we finished praying, he said ‘ * Bang ***, Anj*** To***, Don't Worship here ’” Legy said when met at the location, Monday, May 6. Hearing this, he and his friends immediately left his rented house, then approached the resident who reprimanded him.
“Since then, as soon as possible, I was immediately shocked. Prayer immediately stopped. Mr. RT said don't worship here, worship in church. Not allowed to worship,” he said.

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