The Musi Banyuasin (Muba) Police in South Sumatra (Sumsel) evacuated the discovery of a human skeleton in an oil palm plantation that had shocked local residents.

Muba Police Chief AKBP Imam Safii said the skeleton was first discovered by Kandar, a resident who was about to harvest oil palm in the Keluang District, Muba at around 06.00 WIB. "Smelled an unpleasant aroma, then he saw several human bones scattered including skull bones," he said in Muba, Monday, May 6, confiscated by Antara.

He added, besides that there was also a sweeter jacket then he reported it to his co-workers and then the colleague reported it to the local government. "After receiving information on the discovery of the human skeleton, we immediately rushed to the scene of the case (TKP) and conducted a crime scene there we found one jeans trousers, one shirt, one jacket, a skull bone, one jawbone, a spine, a tail bone, a cup of hair and a rope," he said.

Ia menyebutkan, identitas hingga penyebab kematian korban masih belum diketahui dan saat ini pihaknya masih terus melakukan penyelidikan terhadap kasus tersebut.Kini kerangka manusia tersebut sudah dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Bhayangkara Palembang untuk dilakukan tindakan lebih lanjut.Ia mengimbau kepada masyarakat yang merasa ada kehilangan keluarga atau mengetahui ada orang hilang dipersilakan melapor ke Polsek Keluang atau Polres Muba, sehingga penemuan kerangka manusia tersebut dapat segera terungkap.

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