JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party opened the door for PKS who gave a signal that they wanted to join the Prabowo Subianto government coalition in the future. Gerindra's attitude contradicts its coalition partners in the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM), namely the Gelora Party. "Until now, of course, the door is always open," said Gerindra Party Deputy Chairperson Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo, Thursday, May 3. As elected President, continued Sara, Prabowo, who is also the chairman of Gerindra, is said to prioritize unity for his government. No exception to embracing his political rivals.

"Because Pak Prabowo once again always puts the unity of Indonesia forward, especially from his elite circles," said Sara.

Therefore, Sara said, Gerindra is still open to inviting any party to join the Prabowo-Gibran coalition, including PKS. Even so, Prabowo's nephew emphasized that the decision to join or not in the coalition was in Prabowo's hands.

"Political dynamics are certainly still very dynamic, organic, anything can happen," said Sara. Previously, the Gelora Party rejected PKS, which reportedly wanted to join the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka government. Gelora also brought up the view of PKS supporters if they decided to support Prabowo-Gibran.

"What do his fanatical supporters say? It seems that there is a division of attitudes between the PKS elite and its supporters," said Secretary General of the Gelora Party Mahfuz Sidik in his statement, Monday, April 29. Mahfuz then mentioned about PKS which always plays its ideological narrative against the government. Including the candidate pair number 2 in the 2024 presidential election process yesterday.

"As far as I remember, during the campaign process, many PKSs appeared very ideological narratives in attacking the figure of Prabowo-Gibran," said Mahfuz.

Mahfuz also reminded the public with the narrative of the 'traitor' addressed to Prabowo when he decided to join the Jokowi government. According to him, PKS raises a narrative that pits each other and divides society.

"When Prabowo Subianto decided on reconciliation with Jokowi in 2019, there were many stamps as traitors to Prabowo Subianto. Generally they came from the PKS support base," said Mahfuz.

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