Trump Wants US To Build Air Defense Like Israel's Iron Dome
Donald Trump/PHOTO via Instagram @realdonaldtrump

JAKARTA - Former US President Donald Trump said in his campaign if re-elected as president, he plans to build an Iron Dome or Israel's Iron Dome air defense system for the US mainland.

"In my next term of office, we will build a great Iron Dome, as Israel does, but even better," Trump said.

Trump is of the view that the US version of the Iron Dome system will be more technologically sophisticated than Israel's.

According to Trump, Israel's Iron Dome system is impressive because it has been able to fend off various attacks since the start of the Gaza war last October.

Earlier, Britain's Chief of Defense Staff Admiral Tony Radakin said Britain in the future would need an air defense system similar to the Iron Dome due to drone development and long-range attack missiles.

"It will be necessary in the future, it is an ongoing discussion," Radakin told LBC media on Wednesday (24/4).

He said Britain has some capabilities that help protect foreign-placed countries and troops, but London does not have the same systems Israel has.

"We are also part of this big alliance (NATO) but when you see the threat out there that is a missile with a much longer range, a one-way attack drone with a much longer range, in an easier way to launch it," he said.

The Admiral said Britain has various initiatives both for itself and with allies in Europe in better defense in the future.

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