Commemorating The Merge Of Papua To The Republic Of Indonesia Since May 1, 1963, Jayapura Regency Government Sows Flowers At Heroes' Graves
Jayapura District Secretary Hana S Hikoyabi while sowing flowers at the grave of Papuan national hero Marthen Indey to commemorate West Irian's integration to Indonesia on Wednesday (1/5/2024) (ANTARA/Yudhi Efendi)

PAPUA - The Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab) held a ceremony and sowed flowers at the grave of Papuan national hero Marthen Indey, Wednesday, May 1.

This activity is a sign of Papua's integration into the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) since May 1, 1963. This year we reflect on Papua to enter Indonesia with a ceremony at the tomb of a hero from Papua whose tomb happens to be in Jayapura Regency," said Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Jayapura Regency Hana S Hikoyabi in Jayapura, Wednesday, May 1, confiscated by Antara.

According to the Regional Secretary, Papua is an inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia. No one should argue that May 1 is an annexation day, but the day Papua joined Indonesia in 1963," he added.

He explained that all leaders of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) and communication forums for regional heads (Forkopimda) attended the May 1, 2024 ceremony.

"The Jayapura Regency Government held a ceremony on May 1 to join Papua in Indonesia, and that is legal in the eyes of the world," he said.

He added that the people of Jayapura Regency must be proud because there are heroes from Papua who are fighting to defend Indonesia from the invaders.

"As an award to national hero Marthen Indey, the Jayapura Regency Government held a ceremony to join Papua to Indonesia at his grave in Kampung Sinaty," he said.

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