Disposing Of Viral Videos Of Men Damaged By Bogor Underpass Pipes, Police Say Mental Disorders Are Washing Their Faces
Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso and his staff checked the underpass on Jalan Baru, Bogor City, Tuesday (30/4/2024) after receiving complaints from the public. (ANTARA/Shabrina Zakaria)

Bogor City Police Chief Kombes Pol Bismo Teguh Prakoso revealed that it was suspected that the man with the initials E damaged the pipe under the underpass of Shleh Iskandar Street, Kedungbadak Village, Bogor City, was not true.

The allegation emerged after a viral video showed a man breaking or stealing at the location in question. Bimo said that the man, a local resident, often washes his face in the pipe under the underpass.

In the video uploaded on the Pangadang Official Youtube channel, it is stated that E is an underpass destroyer who pretends to wash his hands.

In the video, E is seen taking water using two plastic glasses and running when called by the video recorder. Most netizens commented that they were worried that the man was actually doing the damage.

"So what is reported in the video is not true. There is no intentional or ordered element, the person concerned has a mental disorder and has been treated several times to a mental hospital," Bismo said after seeing directly at the scene.

In the future, Bismo will coordinate with related agencies in the City Government (Pemkot), so that the water flowing around the underpass does not continue to overflow onto the streets. Because it is feared that it will cause traffic accidents.

"This road will be coordinated with the relevant agencies, for handling this seepage. What knows is whether it's good to close it or not they are experts," he said.

In addition, continued Bismo, his party will contact the Bogor City Social Service (Dinsos) so that the man can get treatment again.

"We will coordinate with the Social Service Agency, RSJ Marzoeki Mahdi (MM) to take brother E to RSJMM again. We will look for brother E," he said.

The village head of Kedungbadak Karjono added that his residents were indeed mentally ill.

The information he likes to damage is not true. He often plays with water here," said Karjono.

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