JAKARTA - Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar officially disbanded the National Team for Winning Anies-Muhaimin (AMINAn National Team) whose work in the 2024 presidential election has been completed.

If the AMIN national team is formed with an official announcement, Anies also wants to end the joint work with similar ceremonial activities. Even though the AMIN national team could not bring him to win the election, Anies still felt grateful.

"The time for the formation of the national team is our gathering, we announce it, and today we also gather. We announce to the public that the AMIN national team has worked with respect, as hard as possible, as hard as possible. Therefore, all those involved feel grateful and proud and we end the task with gratitude," said Anies at his residence, Lebak Bulus, South Jakarta, Tuesday, April 30.

Anies claimed that the ranks of the AMIN national team had worked to campaign by maintaining the quality of democracy. That is why Anies still accepts the results of the Constitutional Court's (MK) decision which rejects the request for a presidential election dispute.

Meanwhile, Anies assessed that the disbandment of the AMIN national team did not dampen the enthusiasm of the people who had been in it to continue working with the idea of change.

"We as citizens will continue to fight in our respective fields in their respective lanes. But we want the national team to finish well. That's why we end it during the day, not end the struggle, but end a phase of struggle when we are with campaigns for the presidential election," explained Anies.

Continuing, Cak Imin also advised the former ranks of the AMIN national team to continue to carry out the spirit of change. Because, he believes that the ideas brought during the campaign are still supported by many people.

"You have to continue to change access to disabilities, open public opening access, freedom of thought, organizational opinion. That is changes must be realized. Sprit continues to turn on in all of us. That means, even though we close an institution, but we are united by the continuing ideals," said Cak Imin.

The event, which was wrapped in halalbihalal, was also attended by PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu, Deputy Chairperson of the PKS Shura Council Hidayat Nur Wahid, PKB Deputy Chairperson Jazilul Fawaid, NasDem Party Secretary General Hermawi Taslim, and DPW NasDem DKI Jakarta Chairman Wibi Andrino.

However, the Head of NasDem Surya Paloh was not present at the disbandment of the AMIN national team until the event ended.

In the ranks of the AMIN national team, the presence of the Captain of the AMIN Syaugi Alaydrus National Team, the Chairman of the AmIn National Team Expert Council Hamdan Zoelva, the Chairman of the AMIN Legal Team Ari Yusuf Amir, the AMIN National Team spokesman, and other ranks.

In addition, former Head of International Relations Division of the National Police Napoleon Bonaparte was also present at the disbandment of the AMIN national team. Previously, Napoleon was also present at the consolidation of the TNI-Polri Retired Communication Forum for Change and Unity (FKP3) supporting Anies-Muhaimin.

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