YOGYAKARTA Knows what extreme weather needs to be owned by the community. This knowledge does not only cover its understanding, the public must also know the causes, characteristics, impacts, and early warnings issued by the local authority agency.

This article will discuss matters relating to extreme weather, especially those that usually occur in the country.

Lately, the phrase Extreme Cuaca is often mentioned to describe certain weather conditions that fall into the extreme category. This phrase is used to describe all unusual weather, both rainy, hot, snowy weather, and so on.

Quoted from the Pocket Book of Climate Climatology and Our Weather, weather or climate are able to develop beyond its normal conditions. Even these changes far exceed the usual conditions. This situation is what is called extreme weather.

On the World Meteorogical Organization website, it is said that extreme weather rarely occurs at certain places and times in a year with unnatural characteristics, both in terms of coverage, location, time, and extent. However, these conditions can be different in each place.

According to the Regulation of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia No. 9 of 2022 concerning the Provision and Dissemination of Early Warning of Extreme Weather, it is explained that extreme weather is a natural phenomenon characterized by rainfall, wind direction and speed, air temperature, humidity, and visibility that can trigger losses, especially the safety of life and property.

Meanwhile, disasters caused by weather and climate are called hydrometric disasters, namely natural disasters caused by meteorology. There are quite a lot of types of hydrometric disasters in the country, namely drought, floods, tornadoes, landslides, strong winds and high waves, as well as smoke and fires.

In response to the emergence of extreme weather that led to disasters, the Government issued an early warning intended for the general public, especially in affected areas.

Early warning according to BMKG regulations is information that is immediate and contains information about the potential for extreme weather.

Extreme weather can be caused by many things. Here are some reasons for the frequent extreme weather.

In general, extreme weather is characterized by conditions that occur outside of habit or normal boundaries that have an impact on humans. Here are some characteristics of extreme weather.

As explained earlier, the Government issued information in anticipation of extreme weather. The mechanism for issuing information on Extreme Weather Early Warning itself is regulated in BMKG regulations.

The rules say that the spread of extreme weather early warning is carried out through media information and communication, both in the form of electronics and non-electronics. In addition, the distribution of early warning information was conveyed to several parties, namely as follows.

That's information related to extreme weather. Visit VOI.id to get more interesting information.

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