JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ismail, asked the DKI Provincial Government not to rush into implementing restrictions on private vehicles in Jakarta.

The rules regarding these restrictions are contained in Law Number 2 of 2024 concerning Special Regions in Jakarta.

In Article 24 paragraph (2), it is stated that the DKJ government has a number of special powers in the fields of traffic and road transportation. One of them is age restrictions and the number of ownership of individual motorized vehicles.

Ismail advised the DKI Provincial Government to conduct an in-depth study on the preparation of the mechanism for limiting private vehicles.

"This (private vehicle restriction) is something that must be reviewed whether it is indeed the only solution or there is another solution," said Ismail in his statement, Tuesday, April 30.

Ismail admitted that vehicle restrictions are one way to reduce congestion rates in Jakarta.

However, he emphasized that the DKI Provincial Government must be able to anticipate so that the policy does not cause problems in the future.

"In general, I agree that we want to optimize the use of mass transportation vehicles. We have one goal together to reduce pollution, reduce congestion which is the biggest problem in Jakarta," explained Ismail.

On the one hand, Ismail is worried that the restrictions on private vehicles will have a negative impact on regional finances.

Given, motor vehicle taxes are one of the tax instruments that contributes to the largest local revenue (PAD) in Jakarta.

"The vehicle tax is indeed one of the largest for our PAD," he added.

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