JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) invites all stakeholders or stakeholders in Semarang City to map the flood management strategy according to the vulnerability of their respective regions.

"So, this field trial rally is the end of a series called a planned conflict or contingency plan," said Head of BPBD Semarang City Endro P Martanto, on the sidelines of a simulation of flood management in Semarang, Central Java, Monday, April 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Endro said that the plan was a mutual agreement or commitment in disaster management, involving all relevant stakeholders.

"This time Renkon 5.0, it means it will apply for the next five years. All stakeholders are involved in disasters. There are many elements of the government, TNI, Polri, and the community," he said.

No less important, he said, is the third party element, namely businessmen, business entities, and academics.

In the plan, he said, BPBD has a portrait or map of the area in Semarang City which is prone to flooding so that representatives from six sub-districts are presented.

"There are from East Semarang, North Semarang, Gayamsari, Pedurungan, Genuk, and West Semarang sub-districts. Although (flood-prone areas in West Semarang, ed.) some are in the Semarang Indah area," he said.

According to him, each of the sub-district representatives must bring a concept about the strategy and steps that will be taken when there is a flood.

"What will you do and what will happen when there is a flood. After it is agreed that the manuscript will be ratified by the Mayor of Semarang, which will serve as a guide for all'stakeholders' in Semarang City when there is a flood," he said.

He admitted that the making of the plan requires a process and time that begins with a disaster experience, for example when the flood that occurred some time ago occurred in Trimulyo, Genuk District.

"Because (confronting, red) the emergency situation, the urgency in the future will be more effective. From the government, BPBD for sure, the Health Office, Disperkim already have their own steps according to their main duties and functions," he said.

Likewise, he said, the community, including volunteers, will immediately understand the steps that must be taken, including fulfilling logistics so that they are more programmed and directed when a disaster occurs.

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