JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Marullah revealed that currently only the Neigbourhood Association (RT) in South Jakarta still has a red zone or zone with a high risk of COVID-19.

"Update on the recapitulation of micro-based PPKM zoning at the RT level as of March 6, there are 6 RTs in the red zone. All RTs in the red zone are in South Jakarta," said Marullah in a Youtube broadcasted by the BNPB Pusdalops, Sunday, March 7.

Marullah said, from 30,382 RTs, DKI Jakarta has a green zone of 83.34 percent, a yellow zone of 16.51 percent, an orange zone of 0.13 percent, and a red zone of 0.02 percent.

Of the total, RTs with green zones are 25,405 RTs, yellow zone 5,032 RTs, orange zone 39 RTs, and red zone 6 RTs.

Marullah continued, currently DKI has an active case of 3.7 percent. Then, the cure rate was 95.08 percent and the death rate was 1.69 percent.

"What is important is that the use of beds (isolation and ICU COVID-19) is now an average of 64 percent," said Marullah.

"The figure consists of Central Jakarta 62 percent, North Jakarta 69 percent, West Jakarta 55 percent, South Jakarta 65 percent, and East Jakarta 62 percent," he continued.

Meanwhile, there is no count of the use of COVID-19 care beds in the Thousand Islands because all coronavirus patients are being treated in North Jakarta.

It is known that micro PPKM refers to regional zoning. This zoning determination is determined by the local government which is then mapped by each governor. The determination takes into account a number of criteria as follows:

1. Green zone Criteria: no house in one RT has a positive case of COVID-19 in the last 7 days. Scenarios: active surveillance, all suspects are tested and case monitoring is still carried out regularly.

2. Yellow zone Criteria: there are 1 to 5 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days. Scenario: find a suspected case and close contact tracing and then ask for self-isolation with close supervision.

3. Orange zone Criteria: there are 6 to 10 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days Scenarios: find suspected cases and close contact tracing then asked for self-isolation with strict supervision, closing houses of worship, children's play areas, and other public places except for essential sectors.

4. Red zone Criteria: there are more than 10 houses with positive cases during the last 7 days. Scenarios: finding suspected cases and close contact tracing; carry out self-isolation; closing houses of worship, children's play areas, and other public places except for the essential sector; prohibits crowds of more than 3 people; limit entry and exit of RT to a maximum of 20.00 Western Indonesia Time; and eliminating crowd-generating social activities.

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