Will Bring Those Who Are Left To The Hospital, The Nunukan Regency Government Forms A Special Team For Handling ODGJ
People with mental disorders (ODGJ) have to be supported by their families, released by Acting Regent of Cianjur, Herman S. (ANTARA-Ahmad Fikri)

KALTARA - The Nunukan Regency Government (Pemkab) in North Kalimantan (Kaltara) formed a special team to deal with People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ).

Head of the Social Service, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection of Nunukan Regency, Farida Iriyani said the team was named the Mental Disease Management Team. "This team will serve in various aspects, starting from the identification and data collection of ODGJ," said Nunukan, Kaltara, Monday, April 29, confiscated by Antara. Farida revealed that the team was formed to improve services and control of mental diseases in Nunukan Regency.

He added that the team will also carry out handling and recovery, empowerment, and ODGJ reintegration. Although the Social Service is not the only agency that handles ODGJ, he said, their role is very important. The Social Service cooperates with various other agencies, such as Satpol-PP, puskesmas, and hospitals, ensuring that ODGJ gets proper and comprehensive treatment and assistance. He revealed that the Social Service has a clear SOP (Security Standard) in handling ODGJ. ODGJ who are neglected and do not have a family will be assisted to get treatment at health centers or hospitals. After ODGJ is declared cured or is in stable condition, he continued, the Social Service will facilitate them to participate in skills training and business capital assistance so that they can live independently.

Selain pihaknya juga gencar melakukan edukasi dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat tentang penyakit jiwa. “Ini untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman masyarakat tentang ODGJ, sehingga mereka tidak lagi mendiskriminasi atau menganiaya ODGJ,” ujar dia.Farida Iriyani mengajak masyarakat lebih peduli dan toleran terhadap ODGJ."ODGJ adalah manusia seperti kita yang membutuhkan bantuan dan dukungan. Mari kita bersama-sama membantu mereka untuk sembuh dan kembali ke kehidupan normal," ujarnya. Demi meningkatkan kepedulian dan toleran masyarakat, Dinas Sosial juga akan melaksanakan seminar dan lokakarya tentang penyakit jiwa, termasuk menggunakan media sosial untuk menyebarkan informasi tentang ODGJ.“Bisa juga dengan membuat film atau video edukasi tentang ODGJ dengan harapan stigma terhadap ODGJ dapat dihilangkan dan mereka dapat hidup dengan layak di tengah masyarakat,” kata Farida.

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