JAKARTA - Mental health specialist at the Duren Sawit Regional Special Hospital (RSKD) Jakarta, Dr. Yenny Sinambela, SpKJ (K) explained, the influence of gadget addiction can cause obesity and is easy to forget.
"In the cognitive aspect, it's easy to forget, the term doesn't concentrate like that. Then physically, he can be obese," Yenny said during the Jakarta Guard event in the Kebayoran Lama area, South Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, April 28.
Addiction or dependence can make people obese when people become used to preparing food around them before doing activities with their gadgets so that their pleasure is not disturbed.
"As a result, his body became big," said Yenny.
Another impact is that motor nerves in the body begin to feel pain due to being fixated on holding back the position of playing gadgets that are not very active.
"The head started to feel dizzy, or his hands hurt," said Yenny.
Then, the addiction to the use of gadgets also causes a person to delay other productive activities such as work or learning. Addition to the use of gadgets can also lead to other problems such as going bankrupt, if the device is used to play online gambling, or increasing problems in marriage.
Yenny also did not rule out the possibility that someone with gadget addiction could be prone to anxiety disorders, even depression.
If that's the case, Yenny recommends people with addiction to be taken by their closest people to get medical help from a psychiatrist.
Meanwhile, a mental health specialist from the Tarakan Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, SpKJ Jakarta said the characteristics of people with mental disorders who needed medical help.
The characteristics of mental disorders are termed 3P.
The first P is a mental disorder. When a person is seen as having the same mental disorder continuously, it even makes it difficult for the person to sleep, then it is better for the person closest to see the person to a doctor or psychologist.
The second P is a feeling disorder. Someone who continues to feel sad, or anxious, or is angry on an ongoing basis, should be given help by taking him to be treated by a doctor or psychologist.
The third P is behavioral disorder. This disorder makes a person feel different personality from before. For example, that person withdraws from association, looks easily offended and can even cry continuously. Close people are advised to seek the help of a doctor or psychologist.
"When we see that there are 3P, it is a warning for us to seek professional assistance. It can be a psychologist or psychiatrist (psychologist)," said Zulvia.
Jakarta is included in the list of 10 cities with the highest stress levels in the world, according to a report by The Lead and Most Stressful Cities Index in 2021.
Another global study at the Health Service Monitoring 2023 surveyed the views of 23,274 adult respondents spread across 31 countries in the period 21 July-4 August 2023 stated that mental health is the most worrying health problem, above cancer.
Therefore, the DKI Jakarta Health Office will hold a Jakarta Guard (Keep the acronym from Moving, Working, Exercising and Happy), where one of the points of the event is an educational seminar to the public on how to achieve happiness.
In Jakarta On Guard, the DKI Jakarta Health Office presented a psychiatrist from the Tarakan Hospital in Jakarta, Dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, SpKJ and a specialist in the Regional Special Hospital (RSKD) Duren Sawit Jakarta, Dr. Yenny Sinambela, SpKJ (K) to provide educational materials entitled "Happy Without Conditions".
On that occasion, Dr. Yenny recommended reducing addiction or dependence on the use of gadgets, with physical activities such as relaxing exercise such as walking and yoga and socializing to make the hormone happy or endorphins make the body feel comfortable.
It was also said that individuals who managed to reach more than 7,500 steps per day showed a significant decline in the risk of chronic illness compared to those who were less active.
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