Chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) said that he had made a commitment to Prabowo Subianto's elected presidential candidate regarding ministerial rations. He asked his cadres not to sue much.

"Regarding the position in the cabinet and other positions in the upcoming government, we have made a commitment with Pak Prabowo. Let's leave it to him," AHY said at the DPP office of the Democratic Party, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, April 24.

"Don't burden Pak Prabowo with excessive demands," he continued.

AHY said the lobbying on ministerial rations would be his business. He also ensured that only the best cadres would be proposed to fill ministerial positions in the upcoming government.

"Also entrust my full task to me, in time I will choose the best cadres of the Democratic Party to help Pak Prabowo," said the Minister of ATR/BPN.

Furthermore, AHY ensured his party's commitment to supporting the Prabowo-Gibran government. "We want the Democratic Party to take further action both in the executive and legislature at the central and regional levels," he said.

The KPU officially appointed Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka as president and vice president elected in the 2024 presidential election today, Wednesday, April 24. This determination is stated in the minutes number 252/PL.01.9-BA-05/2024.

The pair number two received 96,214,691 votes or 58.6 percent of the national valid votes. Meanwhile, Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar, who is the pair number 01, received 40,971,906 votes or 24.9 percent of the national valid votes.

Meanwhile, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, who is the number three pair, received 27,040,878 votes or 16.5 percent of the national valid votes.

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