JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff, General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, inaugurated Wandy Nicomedus Tuturoong as Deputy IV and Prof. Dr. Rumadi Ahmad as Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff, at the Bina Graha Building, Jakarta Wednesday, April 24. This inauguration was carried out in line with Presidential Decree No. 24/M of 2024 and Number 25/M of 2024 concerning Appointment of Deputys in the Presidential Staff Office.
Wandy Nicomedus Tuturoong replaces Juri Ardiantoro as Deputy IV, while Prof. Dr. Rumadi Ahmad replaces Jaleswari Pramodhawardani as Deputy V. The two replacements occurred after Juri Ardiantoro and Jaleswari Prmodhawardani resigned as Deputy IV and V KSP for being involved as members of the winning team in the 2024 presidential election.
In his remarks, Moeldoko emphasized the importance of the inauguration of the two new deputies as a momentum to continue the legacy of President Joko Widodo's leadership. He encouraged the new Deputy and all ranks at the Presidential Staff Office to work non-stop until October 20, 2024 by utilizing all available resources.
"In the principle of attack, where the performance of all resources in the KSP environment cannot stop until October 20, 2024, by continuing to maintain the legacy of the President," said Moeldoko.
Moeldoko also reminded us to make the best use of this momentum and use all available resources to support the President's legacy.
Moeldoko believes these two new deputies, with their abilities and experience, will bring a new atmosphere and fresh energy to KSP. "He is familiar with KSP. With the President's trust, they are appointed and I am sure their presence will bring a new atmosphere to the organization," said Moeldoko.
Before being inaugurated Moeldoko became Deputy IV and Deputy V, Wandy N. Tuturoong and Prof. Dr. Rumadi Ahmad is the Main Expert of Deputy IV and V KSP. With the appointment of these two new deputies, the formation of the Deputy at KSP is complete and will lead the deputy until the term of office at KSP ends on October 20, 2024.
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