JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) reminded Polda Metro Jaya to be careful in handling the alleged meeting of KPK Deputy Chair Alexander Marwata with former Yogyakarta Customs Chief Eko Darmanto in March 2023. Do not let them be wrong in applying Article 36 letter a of the KPK Law.
This was conveyed by ICW researcher Diky Anandya in response to Alex's report to the Polda Metro Jaya because of his meeting with Eko, which he had acknowledged. This name was dragged into gratification cases and money laundering (TPPU).
"“Polda Metro Jaya needs to be observed further because as stated by the KPK, the meeting was held in the context of public complaints in March 2023," Diky told reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, April 23.
Diky said Alexander was accompanied by staff from the public complaint department and received permission from other leaders. “ If the KPK statement is correct, then the police mistakenly apply Article 36 letter a of the KPK Law,” he said.
This anti-corruption activist said that the loyalness of the KPK personnel was indeed not allowed to meet with litigants. However, this condition can be excluded if it is related to the work of eradicating corruption and must be allowed by other leaders.
So, Polda Metro Jaya should not investigate the meeting according to Diky. “ If referring to Chapter I number 10 of Supervisory Board Regulation Number 2 of 2021, it is stated there that every KPK personnel is prohibited from having direct or indirect relationships with suspects, defendants, individuals or other parties who are related to corruption cases whose cases are known to be being handled by the commission, ” he said.
"“Except in the context of carrying out tasks and the knowledge of the leadership or direct superiors," continued Diky.
In addition, the moment of the meeting was also asked to be the attention of the police. “ If during the meeting, an investigation has not been carried out, then the elements of Article 36 letter a of the KPK Law are not fulfilled, ” he concluded.
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