PEKANBARU - Thousands of company employees in Riau Province have yet to receive the 2024 Eid holiday allowance (THR) from where they work. They then reported 44 companies to the Manpower and Transmigration Office (Disnakertrans) of Riau Province.

Head of the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Office (Kadisnakertrans) Boby Rachmat revealed that his party had previously received 33 complaints. Until now, his party has received 44 complaints related to the THR problem.

"Of these 44 complaints, 22 were entered through the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) channel. The rest was addressed to the THR post of the Riau Province Manpower and Transmigration Office," said Boby Rachmat, Monday, April 22.

He explained that his party had dispatched a labor inspector to follow up on the complaint. Currently, the Manpower and Transmigration Office is processing all complaints and the results are waiting for a report from the supervisor to have conducted an investigation at the company reported.

"We have resolved five of the 44 cases that have been reported. There are 12 consultations and they have been completed when they meet face-to-face with supervisors or mediators," he said.

According to the regulation of the Minister of Manpower against complaints that have been reported, the labor inspector has been dispatched to the company's location. "Depending on the results of the examination, will we take any action later," said Boby.

He said the five companies that had been completed had now completed THR payments to all their employees.

For this reason, the Riau Manpower and Transmigration Office appealed to all companies that have been reported to immediately complete THR payments in accordance with Permenaker Number 6 of 2016 concerning THR Payments.

"I think it should be our common concern so that the welfare, safety and protection of these workers can be fulfilled. We hope that this THR will be completed soon, because later it will drag on. This is an obligation according to the Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 6 of 2016," he concluded.

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