LAMPUNG SELATAN - South Lampung Resort Police (Polres) dismissed or dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) of one police officer in the area for violating the professional code of ethics and the Polri code of ethics commission.

South Lampung Police Chief AKBP Yusriandi Yusrin said the dismissal of a NCO officer was because he was considered to have violated the Police Professional Code of Ethics and was disciplined as a member of the National Police.

"Disrespectful dismissal of police officers is a serious step to maintain professionalism, integrity and morality within the National Police through a fair and transparent law enforcement and discipline process," said the Police Chief in South Lampung, quoted by ANTARA Monday, April 22.

He said that PTDH is a manifestation and realization of the commitment of the National Police leadership in imposing punitive sanctions for personnel who violate both discipline and the police code of ethics.

"Make this a reminder for all members of the police the importance of complying with the code of ethics and maintaining integrity in carrying out their duties," he said.

This dismissal is based on the decision of the Lampung Police Chief number: KEP / 175 / IV / 2024 dated April 5, 2024 regarding the decision of PTDH Personnel a.n Bripka N of the South Lampung Police N position dismissed dishonorably from the police service.

The personil telah melanggar pasal 13 ayat (1) PP RI nomor 1 tahun 2003 tentang pemberhentikan anggota polri juncto pasal 8 huruf c ke 1 perpol nomor 7 tahun 2022 tentang kode etik profesional dan komisi kode etik polri serta pasal 13 ayat (1) PP RI nomor 1 tahun 2003 tentang pemberhentikan anggota polri juncto pasal 13 huruf e perpol nomor 7 tahun 2022 tentang kode etik profesional dan komisi kode etik Polri.

The police chief also hopes that all South Lampung Police personnel can avoid unlawful acts, foster a high sense of discipline, and carry out their duties properly in order to provide optimal service to the community, especially in South Lampung.

"Make a very valuable lesson for all of us and be wiser in being grateful for all the blessings and conditions that have been destined by Allah Swt / God Almighty," he said.

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