JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) said that President Joko Widodo or Jokowi was not proven to have made jokes to support the presidential and vice presidential candidates (candidates) number 2 in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) contestation.
This is because the applicant who argued that he could not prove and explain further about the meaning of the cawa-casud.
"Dalil bahwa Presiden akan cawe-cawe dalam Pemilu 2024 a quo, menurut Mahkamah tidak diterangkap lebih lanjut oleh pememohon seperti apa maksalnya dan dampak cawe-cawe yang dimaksud Pemohon, serta apa bukti tindakan cawe-cawe demikian tersebut," ujar Hakim Daniel Yusmic Foekh dalam persidang di MK, Senin, 22 April.
Various pieces of evidence in the form of articles and footage of news videos from the mass media are considered to show the President's activities and statements that he wants to mess around in the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections.
However, it was not strengthened by other evidence in the trial. So, it cannot be interpreted if Jokowi does something strange.
"According to the Court, without strong evidence in the trial, it cannot simply be interpreted as the will to interfere in holding the 2024 Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections by using methods outside the law and outside the constitution," he said.
The Court also did not receive evidence of objections, especially from participants in the 2024 Election contestation regarding the president's problems after the determination of the presidential and vice presidential candidate pairs.
In addition, there is also no evidence of a correlation between the form of chaos and the potential for the votes acquired by one of the pairs of presidential and vice presidential candidates in the 2024 General Election.
"Based on the legal considerations as outlined above, the Court considers the petitioner's argument to be groundless according to the law," said Daniel.
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