Melukat became a ritual that became a special attraction for tourists when they went to Bali. Acting Governor of Bali, Sang Made Mahendra Jaya also introduced this to a number of important guests.

The guests were delegates from the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) on 18-25 May 2024. Made Mahendra has mapped a number of places to injure or local wisdom typical of the Island of the Gods which means self-reflection.

"There are several places, later let them (choose), we offer them," said Mahendra Jaya on the sidelines of the 10th WWF preparation coordination meeting in Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali, Saturday quoted from Antara.

According to him, one of the locations injured using the holy spring facilities, namely Tirta Empul Temple in Tampaksiring District, Gianyar Regency.

The holy place is adjacent to the Tampaksiring Presidential Palace and near the temple there is also a melukat place, namely at Mengning Temple.

"Sejumlah tempat melukat juga tersebar di beberapa kabupaten di antaranya di Badung dan Bangli," katanya.

The existence of local wisdom that honors the water or injures the WWF event in Bali is one of its own uniquenesses which was first held in the implementation of the 10th WWF, since it was held from 1997.

He also hopes that this tradition will become a separate memory for the delegates at the forum which is held every three years.

"The goal is local wisdom, so that there are memories like this (the way) to purify the body on a scale and scale (the belief in something visible and invisible)," he said.

Melukat, he continued, was able to introduce the local wisdom of the Balinese people to glorify water sources that provide benefits to human life.

"Where there is a water source, there is a place of worship such as melukat and the community guarding the place. They see Bali has a justuhung cultural heritage, including melukat," he said.

The melukat agenda is included in one of the supporting agendas for the forum which starts on May 18, 2024.

Melukat became a tradition in Bali which means purification and physical cleansing, which hopes to clean up negative or dirty things both physically and spiritually.

In addition to religious activities for Hindus, currently melukat is an attraction for spiritual tourism that is of interest to tourists.

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