JAKARTA - Main Political Researcher of the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) Siti Zuhro hopes that the panel of judges at the Constitutional Court (MK) will decide on the dispute over the 2024 Presidential Election Results Dispute (PHPU) which can make the nation peaceful. According to him, all the legal facts presented in the PHPU dispute trial can no longer be denied. He believes that the Constitutional Court judges take these facts seriously in order to create democracy according to the spirit of reform since 1998. "The movement of reform of its spirit is clear, namely to eradicate KKN, corruption, collusion, and nepotism," said Siti Zuhro in the 'People's Opinion for Election Justice' activity in Jakarta, Friday, April 19, confiscated by Antara. He said, currently the Indonesian nation needs certainty, openness, and provisions, which could be the direction and direction in the future, especially in welcoming Indonesia Gold in 2045. He hopes that the Indonesian nation will be able to run upright in accordance with the noble ideals of the nation's founders in the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), and build Indonesia visionaryly. "We are still optimistic, very optimistic if campus, civil society, intellectual, solid and hand in hand encourages democratic reform in a political system," he said.

For this reason, according to him, Indonesia must succeed in eradicating nepotism, collusion, and corruption, after going through a series of political dynamics in 2024. According to him, the spirit of eradicating the KKN is a pillar that must be mutually agreed upon. "The current hope is enormous to the Constitutional Court, and we pray as Muslims, may Allah SWT give his instructions, give guidance to constitutional judges to decide which is truly fair based on legal facts," he said.

Previously, the Secretary of the Constitutional Court said that the trial for reading the decision on the 2024 presidential election dispute was held on April 22, 2024 and there was no possibility to accelerate it. Based on Article 50 of the Constitutional Court Regulation Number 4 of 2023, the PHPU of the Presidential Election was decided by the Constitutional Court within a maximum deadline of 14 days since the application was recorded in the Electronic Constitutional Case Registration Book (e-BRPK). The Hakim Consultative Meeting (RPH) related to the 2024 presidential election PHPU has been ongoing since Tuesday 16 April.

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