JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has asked the Director General of Immigration of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) to prevent Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali from leaving the country.
This effort was made after he was named a suspect in the alleged deduction of incentives for environmental employees of the Regional Tax Service Agency (BPPD).
"The party that was prevented was indeed the Sidoarjo Regent," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, April 16.
Ali said Ahmad Muhdlor Ali had been prevented for six months since early April. This period of time can later be extended according to the needs of investigators.
"This prevention effort is expected to make Ahmad Muhdlor Ali cooperative when summoned by investigators," said Ali.
"Because of the development of the investigation into the alleged corruption case of cutting and receiving money from the Sidoarjo Regency Government BPPD and the need for information from related parties to cooperate is present whenever the agenda for summons from the investigative team is needed to apply for prevention," said Ali.
As previously reported, the anti-corruption commission has named Sidoarjo Regent Ahmad Muhdlor Ali as a suspect in the alleged cut in employee incentives at BPPD. The case was held before the determination.
As for this case, the KPK has already named the Head of the General Subdivision of Personnel of the BPPD Sidoarjo Siska Wati as a suspect. He was caught in a hand arrest operation (OTT) which resulted in R69.9 million in finding.
Furthermore, investigators determined the Head of BPPD Sidoarjo Ari Suyono. The money cut by Siska is suspected to have reached Rp2.7 billion since 2023.
The notification of the money cut is said to have been done verbally. BPPD employees are also not allowed to discuss it via text message.
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