JERUSALEM- Israel's war cabinet ended a meeting to discuss ways to respond to Iran's attack last night against the country on Sunday, APRIL 14.

Quoted from ANTARA, Tehran's drone and missile attacks on Saturday night, April 13 launched after air strikes on the Iranian embassy complex in Damasku on April 1 killed several Iranian military commanders.

"The meeting of the war cabinet to discuss the response to Iran's attacks has ended," reports the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

The report did not immediately mention other details regarding the decision taken at the meeting.

The meeting took place in the underground bunker of the Ministry of Defense in Tel Aviv, according to the daily one.

The security cabinet authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and war cabinet member Benny Gantz to determine how Israel would respond to Iran's retaliatory attacks.

Gantz said in a televised statement that "in the face of Iran's threats, we will build a regional alliance, and we will hold Iran accountable for the attack" when the time is right.

In recent hours, calls for the Israeli far-right government to immediately respond to Iran's attacks have escalated.

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