Damaged Iron Net Fence, 14 Rohingya Immigrants In East Aceh Escape
Photo archive - Rohingya Immigrants at the Idi Sport Center (ISC), East Aceh. BETWEEN/Hayaturrahmah

The Civil Service Police Unit and Wilayatul Hisbah, East Aceh Regency, stated that as many as 14 Rohingya immigrants who had been accommodated at the Idi Sport Center (ISC), the local district, fled by destroying the iron net fence.

Head of the Civil Service Police Unit and Wilayatul Hisbah, East Aceh Regency, Teuku Amran, said that the dozens of immigrants were expected to escape when the lights went out on Friday (12/4) early.

"Dozens of Rohingya immigrants are known to have fled in the morning. They are suspected of running away when people celebrate Eid al-Fitr," said Teuku Amran as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, April 12.

Teuku Amran said, with the escape of the 14 immigrants, there were only three left. Before, 17 Rohingya immigrants were accommodated at the Idi Sport Center, Idi Rayeuk, East Aceh Regency.

"The other three did not escape, possibly due to sleep. Three Rohingya immigrants who are still at the Idi Sport Center are Abu Bakar Sidiq, Moh Khalid Husen and Muhammad Jaker," said Teuku Amran.

Previously, there were 43 immigrants accommodated at the Idi Sport Center. Of the 43 immigrants, 17 of them were Rohingya and 26 others from Bangladesh.

They were unloaded from a ship in the coastal area in Seuneubok Baroh Village, Darul Aman District, East Aceh Regency, on December 14, 2023 at around 03.45 WIB.

Against Bangladeshi immigrants, the country's embassy has deported or repatriated them, leaving 17 Rohingya ethnic immigrants before 14 of them fled.

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