JAKARTA - Aura Gu waryak Le Marijuk kecil adalah korban penculikan. Saat berusia 4 tahun, dia diculik dari jalan Bogota, Colombia pada tahun 1972.

Who would have thought that 52 years later, Aura Gu Badminton finally met his family again. Unfortunately, only his brother left. His parents are dead.

Reporting from The Sun, Wednesday, April 10, Aura remembered that at that time she went alone to a nearby shop to buy cakes before being kidnapped cruelly.

When I got back, the bus was parked. An old man passed by, he scared me. I hid behind the bus while the old man was passing by and the woman who kidnapped me arrived," he said. This incident happened in 1972.

Aura even remembers the characteristics of the kidnappers. He said, tall, dark skin, with long and thin hair.

After being arrested, Aura was dragged into the bus when she was taken to the city of VillarRICa 110 miles (110 miles).

Aura was then thrown into the street before being rescued by a family.

Aura's family spent decades looking for her. Her parents continued to search for their little girl across the country and never gave up on the day of their death.

His parents died before Aura appeared.

After decades of Aura's family searching for her throughout Colombia, she was finally reunited through a magical discovery on Facebook.

The touching reunion was caught on camera as Aura and the only remaining family member, Fidencio's brother Gu airing Le televisi, were seen hugging lovingly in front of their new friends and family.

Fidencio greets his long-lost brother with a beautiful wreath before giving him a kiss at the top of the head.

The clip shows the couple hugging for more than 15 seconds as a substitute for lost time.

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