A number of organizations under the Christian Church's denomination carried out security at several Eid prayer points 1445 Hijri in North Sulawesi, Wednesday, April 10. Such as the implementation of Eid prayers at the Al Hikmah Matani Mosque, South Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi, dozens of Panji Yosua members from the Evangelical Christian Church in Minahasa (GMIM), securing the location of prayers. Even members of Panji Yosua helped smooth the Trans Sulawesi route in front of the Al Hikmah Mosque. The management of Panji Yosua GMIM Solagratia Matani, Martino Limpong, said that the security carried out by Christians had been going on for decades, due to the togetherness and tolerance that was created. "The harmony and tolerance in Matani Village, Minsel, can be an example for other regions. We are here to share each other in every momentum," Limpong said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 10. Every Eid al-Fitr celebration, friendship between religious believers is well established. Muslims often receive Christian visits during celebrations, through supplies of food and momentum to forgive each other. Elsewhere, Eid prayers at the Imam Bonjol Pineleng Mosque, Minahasa Regency, dozens of members of Panji Yosua, the GMIM Youth Commission and representatives of Catholics also guarded the location. "We are proud of the giving of ourselves to a number of Christians who have high tolerance to maintain and secure our Eid prayers," said Ifan, one of the worshipers at Pineleng. He hopes that the tolerance and togetherness that has been fostered for a long time on 'Bumi Nyiur Melambai', will be maintained continuously. "Every year we also help Christians on big days. They have a lot of activities every year, we are often involved in helping," he said. Previously, the Ministry of Religion set 964 locations for Eid Al-Fitr Prayer 1445 Hijri in North Sulawesi Province. "In order to facilitate Muslims who will carry out Eid al-Fitr 1445 H prayers, 964 location points have been available, consisting of 867 mosques and prayer rooms and 97 open fields throughout North Sulawesi Province," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of North Sulawesi H Sarbin Sehe.
Kakanwil appreciates the Ministry of Religion and PHBI districts and cities that have prepared a plan to carry out Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H. "Hopefully it will run smoothly, safely and well," he added. Kakanwil explained, the most points are in Manado, where there are 170 locations.

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