JAKARTA - Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming attended Eid prayers at the Surakarta City Hall yard, Central Java, Wednesday, at around 06.30 WIB.

Gibran accompanied by his wife, Selvi Ananda and her two children, Jan Ethes and Lembah Manah, attended the Surakarta City Hall to pray along with hundreds of other residents.

The Eid prayer was also attended by the Deputy Mayor of Surakarta, Teguh Prakosa, Chairman of the Surakarta DPRD, Budi Prasetyo, Head of the Surakarta Police Grand Commissioner Pol Iwan Saktiadi and a number of other officials in the Surakarta City environment.

Acting as Imam, from the Caretaker of the Tahfidz Wa Ta'limil Qur'an Islamic Mosque, KH Ibrahim Asfari SH Al Hafidz. Meanwhile, the Eid Prayer was continued with a sermon delivered by the Chancellor of UIN RM Said Surakarta, Prof. Dr.H.Toto Suharto.

The Chancellor of UIN RM Said Surakarta, Prof. Dr.H.Toto Suharto in the sermon conveyed about the implementation of moderate Islam as conveyed by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion (Kemenag).

He said fasting is to foster religious moderation. This moderation, the term perspective, takes a fair position or in the middle of understanding in Indonesia.

Remembering, practice moderation, but not religious. Because religion, is moderate. The following is a heterogeneous Indonesian cultural strategy. There is no moderate violence, both verbal and non-verbal.

Gibran said after the prayer, all Eid prayers at the Surakarta City Hall went smoothly.

"We will continue the open house at the Loji Gandrung Solo Official House. Thank you to the media and congratulations Eid al-Fitr, I apologize for being born and inner. Anyway, always be healthy, hopefully the homecoming will be smoothed," said Gibran after the Eid prayer.

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