PALEMBANG - A total of 11,374 prisoners or correctional inmates (WBP) and prison students (andikpas) in South Sumatra received a special reduction in the criminal period (remission) of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri/2024 for 15 days to two months.

"Recipients of remission are spread across 19 state detention centers (rutan) and 11,331 prisons and 43 child-only coaching institutions (LPKA) andikpas," said Head of the Correctional Division of the South Sumatra Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Mulyadi, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday 9 April.

He explained the details of the recipients of the special remission for Muslim religious holidays, namely 15 days of special-I (RK-I) remission as many as 1,749 prisoners. Then, RK-I (1 month) 7,498 prisoners, RK-I (1 month 15 days) 1,511 people and RK-I (2 months) 332 prisoners.

Meanwhile, special-II remissions (RK-II) or immediate remissions were released because the criminal period expired after being reduced to remission for 1-2 months as many as 66 people.

Then the special remission for Eid al-Fitr for foster children/andikpas who only received RK-I (15 days) was 41 people.

Meanwhile, there were two people who received special-II remissions (RK-II) or were immediately released on Eid al-Fitr after being given RK-II for 15 days.

Based on the correctional technical implementation unit (UPT) which received a reduction in the special criminal period of Eid al-Fitr 2024, namely Palembang Class I Prison 1,583 prisoners, and Palembang Class I LPKA 133 people.

Class II A Women's Prison Palembang 401 people, Class II A Narcotics Prison Muara Beliti 580 people, Class II A Prison Lubuk Linggau 845 people, Class II A Lahat Prison 477 people.

Class II A Banyuasin prison 870 inmates, Class II A Tanjung Raja prison nine people, Class II B Sekayu Prison 815 people, Class II B Muara Enim Prison 623 people, Class II B B B B Banyuasin Prison 783 people.

Class II B Kayu Agung prison 757 inmates, Class II B Martapura Prison 350 people, Class II B Muara Prison Dua 288 people, Class II B Empat Lawang Prison 238 people, and Class III Prison Surulangun Rawas 235 people.

Then, prison Class III Pagaralam 127 people, Class I detention center Palembang 722 people, Class II B Baturaja detention center 319 people, Class II B detention center Prabumulih 328 prisoners, said Kadivpas.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Regional Office of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ilham Djaya, explained that the granting of remissions based on criminal acts was mostly given to 5,878 narcotics convicts.

Then 5,212 general prisoners, 107 corruption (tipikor), and two terrorism convicts.

Remissions based on criminal acts related to Article 34 Paragraph (3) PP No.28 of 2006 and Article 34 A Paragraph (1) PP 99 of 2012, are given on condition that prisoners and correctional students must behave well as evidenced not being disciplined in the last six months.

Then have paid off the fines and replacement money for corruption convicts, as well as participating in the coaching program in prisons/receivables.

Each process of implementing remission proposals uses the correctional database system (SDP) automatically.

"SDP will automatically propose remission if the inmate meets the requirements. Vice versa, the system will automatically refuse," said Kakanwil Ilham.

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