Weather Determines The Smooth Homecoming Of The Cirebon-Semarang Pantura Route
Extreme Weather Illustration (ANTARA)

CIREBON - Weather conditions are one of the factors determining the smooth flow of homecoming on the Cirebon Pantura Line, West Java - Semarang, Central Java which is predicted to experience the peak of homecoming arrivals until D-2 Lebaran 2024. Head of the Cirebon City Police Karangraksan Security Post, AKP Joni Rahmat in Cirebon, said that the traffic conditions were busy even though the number of homecoming vehicles passing through to this city continues to increase. Data on reports of the Cirebon City Government's Eid Security Post recorded at least until Saturday (6/4) night or H-4 Lebaran the number of travelers passing through as many as 89,895 units. Of the number of vehicles, each consisting of 83,009 units of two-wheeled vehicles and 6,886 minibus cars coming from the direction of Central Java (Semarang, Pemalang and so on). Security Post data recorded that the number of vehicles increased by more than 80 percent when compared to the previous two days, namely as many as 24,376 units of motorized vehicles and 4,641 minibus vehicles. "A bright weather throughout the day became one of the indicators causing the traffic flow of the Cirebon - Semarang Pantura route to be smoothly circulated to date," said Joni, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday 7 April. The head of the Kanggraksan Sector Police assessed that the conditions would be different, when the rain fell just as the volume of vehicles increased, long densities were very likely to occur in this pantura route. The Cirebon-Semarang Pantura channel is expected to experience a peak of the arrival of travelers until Monday (8/4) or H-2 Lebaran 2024, because there are still a number of travelers reported on the way. Meanwhile, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts light-intensity rains - moderate to flush the City of Cirebon and its surroundings from Sunday (7/4) day to Tuesday afternoon (9/4) afternoon and evening. The hours are critical times, especially the weather conditions are decisive. Moreover, the road conditions here tend to narrow, so the density can occur, " he said. For this reason, he suggested travelers to adjust the timing of the weather

This is done so that travelers avoid rain that also has the potential to cause long density on the Pantura route. "Joint officers will always be on standby 24 hours until D + 7 Lebaran, but the attention of travelers to weather conditions is also important in order to minimize risks during travel, especially for motorcyclists," he said.

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