The name Acting Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province, Then Gita Ariadi is on the radar of the Golkar Party to be promoted in the NTB Governor Election on November 27, 2024. Secretary of the NTB Golkar DPD, Firad Parizka confirmed the recommendation letter circulating that the name of the Acting Governor of NTB Province, Lalu Gita Ariadi was included on the radar of the Golkar Party to be promoted as a candidate for governor. "The DPP continues to communicate with the DPD who has the potential to be given recommendations in the gubernatorial election, and Gita has been in communication long ago," he said when contacted by telephone in Mataram, Antara, Friday, April 5. Firad admitted that previously he had given recommendations to three names as a candidate for governor or deputy governor, namely Suhaili and Mohan Roliskana as temporary governor candidates Indah Dhamayanti Putri as a candidate for deputy governor "These three names are already working, Gita is coming in later and we accept anyone who wants to move forward," he explained. He mentioned that Gita had communicated greatly before the issuance of the recommendation. Firad also emphasized that his party did not carelessly provide recommendations regarding the nomination of regional heads. "The communication has been going on for a long time," he said. Previously, the Acting Governor of NTB Province, Lalu Gita Ariadi, spoke about rumors in the public that he would run in the upcoming November 2024 regional head election (Pilkada). Miq Gite, as he is familiarly called, admitted that he is currently focusing on working as governor (Pj) according to the mandate given by the central government to him. "Now I am in the realm of administrative bureaucratic people and I am not yet a political person," he said. Although he did not deny that the Acting Governor's position could not be separated from politics but in the recruitment process, Gite stated that he was elected through the bureaucratic competency route as a civil servant. However, he admitted that he could not control public opinion about himself. Including, the views of the public regarding the writings he wrote himself and published in a number of mass media, are assumed to contain political messages in 2024. Miq Gite emphasized that he returned everything to the public who considered it. Meanwhile, it was mentioned related to the issue that he had received the blessing of the extended family to run for the election. He admitted that until now there has been no blessing from the family, either directly or indirectly. Because, he never told the family that he would run for the election. "No family has contacted yet, nor have I ever spoken about the regional elections. Instead, I am waiting for the blessing of my journalists," Gite joked to reporters after the plenary session of the NTB DPRD. Although at this time he has not decided anything, Miq Gite stated that in due course he will determine his attitude. Will he continue as Acting Governor or resign and participate in the contestation of the November 2024 elections.
"There have been many examples of candidates, as evidenced by Pak Jokowi who chose KH Ma'ruf Amin at the last minute, who knows. What is clear is that we see the situation and signal from the sky," he said.

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