JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) revealed that only 51.71 percent of the 392,772 officials submitted a complete state administrator's wealth report (LHKPN) until the final limit was determined, namely March 31, 2024. This figure is based on data as of April 3, 2024.

"The total national compliance or reports that have been declared complete have only reached 51.71 percent or around 210,370 of the total 392,772 state administrators or are required to report those who have reported their LHKPN," said KPK Prevention Spokesperson Ipi Maryati to reporters in a written statement, Friday, April 5.

"While the rest are still in the verification process or waiting for the improvement of the LHKPN from state administrators/report obligations," he continued

Ipi said officials whose wealth reports were declared incomplete had 30 days to repair. Usually, they will be sent notification via Mailbox e-Filling or private email.

The new report was declared complete after they listed four attachments. The details are a power of attorney on behalf of state administrators, spouses, and children in dependents who are 17 years old.

"It is important to know that LHKPN is one of the instruments to prevent corruption, so state officials or must report are asked to fill in honestly, correctly, and completely," said Ipi.

This complete reporting called Ipi has been regulated in Articles 5 Paragraphs 2 and 3 of Law Number 28 of 1999 concerning the Implementation of a State that is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion, and Nepotism. In addition, they must also be ready when the KPK will clarify their wealth.

The law requires PN to be checked for wealth before, during, and after taking office. PN is also required to report and announce its wealth before and after taking office, "concluded Ipi.

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