JAKARTA - Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Dwikorita Karnawati warned of the potential for rain with moderate to heavy intensity that will occur during the Eid homecoming period, especially on April 4-11, 2024.

"Some phenomena are predicted to cause the potential for moderate to heavy rain accompanied by lightning, lightning, and strong winds in parts of Indonesia until April 11, 2024," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 4.

Dwikorita said the potential for rain was caused by the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) phenomenon or a collection of rain clouds that had begun to cross islands in Indonesia.

The rain clouds ranged from eastern Africa in the Indian Ocean along the equator and across islands in Indonesia which then headed to the Pacific Ocean.

Dwikorita said that according to the results of the detection and prediction a few days earlier, it was known that currently the rain cloud procession had actually been seen in Indonesia, especially in the west and would go to the middle which would eventually turn east.

Apart from MGO, other phenomena that also cause moderate to heavy rain during Lebaran homecoming are the phenomenon of atmospheric waves, namely the Kelvin and Rossby Ekuator waves and the warm water level in the Indonesian Archipelago.

He said the two phenomena also played an important role in increasing the formation of rain clouds in the Indonesian Archipelago.

Bahkan, BMKG pun baru saja mendeteksi munculnya Bibit Cyclone Tropis baru yaitu Bibit Cyclone 96S yang muncul di sekitar Laut Sawu dan saat ini pada posisi 10.2 derajat Lintang Selatan serta 121 derajat Berun Timur.

Identified shows a tendency (Typical Cyclone Seeds) will occur in the next few days. This was recently detected this morning," he said.

This Cyclone bibit causes the maximum wind speed to range from 16 to 20 knots or 28 to kilometers per hour with pressure at its center at around 1,007 millibars.

The cyclone seeds are moving southwest to the south away from the southern waters of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) to Australia and in the next 24 to 48 hours there is a low chance of becoming a Tropical Cyclone.

However, within the next 48 to 72 hours, the Cyclone Seed has a moderate to high chance of becoming a Tropical Cyclone with a movement towards the south southwest away from Indonesia to Australia.

The Cyclone 96S Seed, which is currently still in NTT, can have a direct and indirect impact on weather conditions in several parts of Indonesia within the next 24-48 hours.

The impact was rain with moderate to very heavy intensity in the areas of Bali, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and NTT and strong winds occurred around East Java, Bali, NTB, and NTT.

"Then we need to be aware of high waves with a height of 1.25-2.5 meters around the Indian Ocean south of NTB and the Indian Ocean south of NTT, the western Sumba Strait, the southern waters of Sumba Island, the southern waters of Kupang Island to Rote Island and the southern part of the Savu Sea," he said.

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