AMBON - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Maluku Province has secured as many as 20 protected wildlife in the form of twisted beak birds from residents.

"At the Smart Patrol activity at West Halmahera Resort, we have found and secured 20 protected wild animals in the form of twisted beak birds," said Maluku BKSDA Forest Police Seto, in Ambon as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, April 4.

A total of 20 twisted half-life animals consist of one yellow-crested cockatoe (Cacatua gallery), two white cockatoos (Cacatua Alba), seven parrots (Eclectus roratus), eight Ternate kasturi (Lorius Garrulus), and two purple necklaces (Eos squamata).

The animals were secured from workers and sellers of mobile mattresses domiciled in Sessionoli Gam Village, North Maluku, which, based on information, the animals were purchased from people in remote areas when selling mattresses for entertainment.

"Currently, these animals have been secured at the Regional Conservation Section (SKW) 1 office for further treatment," he said.

His party only provides guidance to the animal owner.

"We finally gave guidance to these passengers, so he wanted to hand over the protected animals to the forestry police," he said.

Seto emphasized that wildlife, especially protected types of endemic birds, cannot be found elsewhere, so it is the community's obligation to maintain diversity, both plant and animal species in Indonesia.

He also hopes that people who find cases of animal smuggling will immediately report to the authorities, both BKSDA and the police.

"We are open to the public, if there is a submission or report, we will accept it," he said.

Based on the provisions of Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Biological Natural Resources and their Ecosystems that anyone deliberately catches, injures, kills, stores, owns, maintains, transports, and trades protected animals alive; (Article 21 paragraph (2) letter a), is threatened with a maximum imprisonment of five years and a maximum fine of Rp. 100 million as regulated in Article 40 paragraph (2).

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