JAKARTA - Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and Malaysian Defense Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin agreed that stability in the region was a concern and priority for the two countries.

This attitude was shown by Prabowo and Mohamed Khaled when the two met for the first time at the office of the Malaysian Ministry of Defense, Kuala Lumpur, Thursday, April 4.

During the meeting, various cases related to safety and security have been discussed. But most importantly, both of us agreed that Malaysia and Indonesia would be permanently committed to strengthening the stability of this overseas," Khaled said revealing the contents of his meeting with Prabowo in a Malay post on his official X account @KhaledNordin reported by ANTARA.

In his upload, Khaled explained that he and Prabowo are both committed to protecting the region and maintaining stability and security in the region.

Khaled also congratulated Prabowo for his victory in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). He said many Malaysians also participated in the stages and results of the presidential election in Indonesia.

Related to that, he believes that Prabowo's leadership will later be able to strengthen the long-standing cooperation between Indonesia and Malaysia.

"I have hope in his presidency (Prabowo, ed.), and I believe that this great figure is able to bring relations between the two countries to a higher stage. Moreover, Malaysia is no stranger to Pak Prabowo who has attended school here," Khaled said.

He also expressed his hope that the relationship between Indonesia and Malaysia will continue to be strong, as well as the region, namely Southeast Asia, which is increasingly prosperous, stable, and safe.

Prabowo, at the meeting, also expressed the same attitude as Khaled. He emphasized his commitment to maintaining defense cooperation and harmonious bilateral relations between Indonesia and Malaysia.

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