SURABAYA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo emphasized the importance of the safety of travelers on the Idulfitri 1445 Hijri homecoming flow when checking integrated posts and service posts at Purabaya Terminal, Sidoarjo, East Java.
National Police Chief Sigit said that in general, the East Java region is one of the main goals of going home and from the results of the 2023 homecoming evaluation, the number of traffic accidents is somewhat higher than other areas.
"So we remind you to really maintain the safety of travelers, both using private vehicles that use transportation vehicles," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, April 4.
The National Police Chief said that at the Purabaya Terminal a urine test was carried out for bus drivers. In addition, there are also health services for both passengers and drivers.
"I think this is good and there is also a service room related to if there are complaints from the public that there may be disturbances related to criminality problems," he said.
Mainly, continued Sigit, to ensure the decline in traffic accidents in areas that often occur are prone.
The National Police Chief asked travelers to pay attention to rest areas when going home. So that if people are tired, they can rest first or not in a hurry to want to speed up and eventually things that are not desirable happen.
"Earlier, we ordered that we really check the drivers, to ensure that when carrying passengers, the driver is in good health, in prime condition and there are no problems that can be affected by the time the person concerned drives the vehicle," he said.
According to Sigit, approaching the D-3 Idulfitri 1445 Hijriah Terminal Purabaya will continue to be crowded with travelers. For this reason, he asked all officers assigned to continue to provide the best service so that the 2024 homecoming service can be carried out properly.
"As well as providing comfort for the entire community, especially those through the terminal in East Java," he said.
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