Police Version Chronology In The Case Of The Murder Of Storekeepers Is Doubtful, Family: When People Want To Buy Us Implement
The crime scene of the shopkeeper's murder was carried out by a female white Yaris driver in South Tangerang/ Photo: Jehan

TANGERANG Four days passed, the death of Resy Ariska (43), a Muslim clothing store keeper on Jalan Borobudur Kelapa Dua Tangerang still left sorrow for his family. Apart from being sad for the disaster, the family felt that the handling of this case was odd. It's not just the determination of the article that feels strange, the family feels there are different facts. How could that be?

Yesy Ariska as the victim's younger brother admitted that he was disappointed with the police who applied Article 338 of the Criminal Code or pure murder to Nada Diana, a suspect in this case. Because according to Yesy, the perpetrator should have been charged with Article 340 of the Criminal Code or premeditated murder.

"Very late, if it can be punished as severely as possible. Later he will repeat again if he is not punished now. Moreover, bring two more weapons," Yesy told VOI Thursday, April 4.

Not only that, Yesy felt that the chronology described by the police was very doubtful. Yesy said, it was not Resy Ariska or the victim who cursed the dirt, but the perpetrator, Nada Diana, cursed the victim. So according to Yesy, if the suspect is hurt by the victim's words, then he considers it not so.

Yesy suspects that there is a game in this case, so that the perpetrators are free from the premeditated murder article.

"That means he plays, right there are many witnesses, he is. O Allah, how come. It's logic that we don't use shopping people. Crazy or not, if we can, we have to be kind to the buyer. 'What are you looking for? What do you want?'Crazy or not, "said Yesy in an annoyed tone.

The same thing was said by the victim's older brother, Bety Ariska. According to Bety, the case is planned.

"If you don't plan, why take the knife, he's not wrong," he said.

The question for the victim's family is about the sharp weapon or knife in Diana alias the suspect. The victim's family suspected that the suspect Nada Diana had planned the incident.

"He has prepared his gun in the car. This means that there is already a plan," he said.

As explained by the Kelapa Dua Police in a press conference on Tuesday, April 2. Kelapa Dua Police Chief Commissioner Stanlly Soselisa said the basic motive for this murder was due to heartache due to the victim's words that offended the suspect for using harsh words.

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