SEMARANG - Joint officers from the Narcotics Crime Directorate, Bareskrim Polri, Central Java Regional Police and Customs and Excise raided a house on Jalan Ngesrep Barat, Srondol Kulon Village, Banyumanik Semarang City, Wednesday, April 3.
The house is suspected of being a drug factory for methamphetamine and happy water. During the raid, officers arrested two perpetrators dressed in hazmat clothing who were caught red-handed while mixing drugs.
This was conveyed by the Director IV of Drug Crimes at the Criminal Investigation Agency, Brigadier General Mukti Juharsa at a press conference revealing the narcotics case at the crime scene (TKP) on Thursday, April 4, morning.

"Happy water that was revealed is the same type as the arrests in Thailand some time ago," he said in front of the media.
The two suspects who were arrested with the initials PR and F acted as makers or mixers. They have been operating in Semarang for 2 weeks and the perpetrator is a drug recidivist
"The perpetrators can mix because they are applied there are instructions on how to make happy water and crystal methamphetamine," he said.
The perpetrators received orders from KA (DPO) to produce methamphetamine and happy water with a promise of Rp500 million in wages which will be given after the production process is complete.
Within a week, the perpetrators have produced 2 thousand sachets of happy water and 3 kg of crystal methamphetamine. Production results are expected to be circulated to a number of big cities that have night entertainment facilities.
"These items will be circulated in Jakarta in Bandung, Surabaya, Makassar, Kalimantan and in big cities where there are many entertainment venues. Luckily before it was circulated, we could reveal it," he explained.
Brigadier General Mukti said, the effect of using happy water is the same as using ecstasy. This happy water is used by brewing in water and drinking so that it can make trippings or On.
His party succeeded in uncovering the case thanks to information he received from the Customs and Excise of Soekarno Hatta Airport regarding the entry of a number of basic chemicals produced by Drugs (precursors) from China and Hong Kong into the country. During January to March 2024, 7 pre-cussor packages entered from China and Hong Kong.
"We investigate this and lead to the disclosure of this case. Thanks to this disclosure, we have saved many of our young people from the threat of drug harm," he said.
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