JAKARTA - The Ministry of Education and Culture emphasized that internship programs for students to Germany or ferry jobs are not the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program.

"Ferien job does not match the MBKM program organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture," said Director General of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture Kiki Yuliati at a Working Meeting (Raker) with the DPR as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 3.

Ferien job sendiri diatur dalam Pasal 14 ayat (2) Ordonansi Ketenagakerjaan Jerman yang dilakukan hanya pada saat official semester break atau libur semester yang resmi dengan jenis pekerjaan berupa manual labour atau tenaga fisik.

The job ferry is also not related to the academic world because it aims to fill the shortage of physical labor in Germany and only to fill the holiday period of students' semesters.

This indicates that the focus of the ferry job is not to find cultural experience and the achievement of language skills because if students take the ferry job, they must have German language skills as communication capital.

The maximum working period on the ferry job is 90 days within 12 months during the official semester holiday in the original country and cannot be extended.

Kiki said the facts related to the ferry job strengthened that the internship was completely unrelated and not an MBKM program organized by the Ministry of Education and Culture.

He explained that the internships included in the MBKM program were not held during the holidays but in the current semester because they had to contribute to student academic grades or achievements.

In addition, internships included in the MBKM must also be related to learning that strengthens competence followed by students in their study programs so that although not the same, it must be in harmony so as to strengthen learning on campus.

"This is an exponential learning so that physical work (such as ferrin work) often doesn't match MBKM," said Kiki.

Kiki said the government requires internship organizers who are included in the MBKM program to design activities that can train hard skills and soft student skills.

So far, MBKM program internships have received positive responses from the industry because they can identify potential talents to work in their companies or industries.

Even MBKM internship organizers give ticket gold to students who are considered worthy so that when they graduate they can immediately work in the company or industry where they internship.

Kiki said the MBKM internship also shortened the preparation period for new workers or on job training (OJT) so that they could streamline the company's costs in training human resources (HR).

"Students can also be more confident because they know the world of work and industrial development which eventually contributes enrichment for learning and learning materials on campus," he said.

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