JAKARTA - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) emphasized the importance of research on traces of the Baribis - Kendeng or Java Back-arc Thrust faults towards Jakarta.

Researcher from the BRIN Center for Disaster Research, Sonny Aribowo, said the Baribis - Kendeng fault was an up fault located behind the volcanic arc of Java Island.

"This is very important for research because Jakarta is one of the areas with very dense population and luxurious infrastructure," he said at the Java Island fault mapping workshop as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, April 3.

Sonny said that although the faint faults connected to the Baribis - Kendeng faults were mostly in West Java, when an earthquake occurred on the fault it would be very disturbing for Jakarta.

Based on BRIN's study, several earthquakes on the island of Java that occurred over the past two years actually emerged from unmeasured faults (Cianjur and Sumedang) as well as areas where an earthquake (Bawean) was unexpected.

"We need to be aware of faults that have not been mapped by re-mapping the faults," said Sonny.

According to him, the faults on the island of Java are seen passing through big cities with infrastructure that has been built and densely populated.

The faults in other areas that have begun to be mapped that cross big cities need to be investigated in more detail.

"When we arrange a land seismic assessment, all parameters can be inputted properly," concluded Sonny.

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