697 Residents Of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra Flooded, BPBD Evacuates With Firefighters
Floods in Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra. (Between)

The Bukittinggi City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) recorded 697 residents affected by the flood disaster that occurred on Tuesday, April 2 evening. "There are nine locations in Bukittinggi City that experienced flooding. Temporary data on a total of 697 affected residents from hundreds of families (KK) who have been assisted by the evacuation," said Bukittinggi BPBD Chief Executive Zulhendri in Bukittinggi, Wednesday, April 3, confiscated by Antara. He said that the evacuation process of residents was carried out during the incident and the drying and rescue of residents' belongings was carried out from Tuesday, April 2 night to Wednesday, April 3 morning. "We were assisted by the Bukittinggi Fire Department (Damkar) and other areas to speed up the cleaning process until residents could return to their homes," said Zulhendri.

BPBD has not been able to provide data on the value of losses from floods that occur due to water flow from high areas, plus high rainfall. "There are also many public facilities that have suffered severe damage, such as road bodies, drainage channels, and sidewalks. The majority of damaged goods are submerged in water," he said.

Ia merinci lokasi yang mengalami banjir terjadi di Kelurahan Pulai Anak Air dengan sembilan KK 38 jiwa. Kelurahan Garegeh dengan 62 KK 185 jiwa.Kelurahan Sapiran Asrama Kodim dengan tiga KK 13 jiwa, Kelurahan Birugo lima KK 15 jiwa, Kelurahan Pakan Labuah dengan 261 jiwa terdampak.

Furthermore, Parit Antang Village was affected by 17 people, Ladang Cakiah Village 52 people, Kayu Kubu Village 5 families were affected, and Guguk Bulek Village with 111 people. BPBD deployed all personnel in the flood prevention effort that occurred and asked residents to provide information if it had not been recorded. "There are several floating machines deployed. We are working with Tagana, Damkar, and other parties. Report if there are locations that have not been recorded," he said.

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