TANGERANG - The case of the death of clothing storekeeper Resy Ariska who was allegedly killed by ND using a sword on Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency still raises questions from many parties, including the victim's neighbors. Because the article applied by the police was not a plan, but a pure murder. Even though it was clear that the perpetrator had brought a sword in a white Toyota Yaris car.

Reni, the victim's neighbor who knew about the incident, admitted that she was confused and surprised. Reni wondered why the perpetrator escaped the premeditated murder article with the maximum penalty being the death penalty.

According to Reni, ND had already carried a sharp weapon in a car that seemed to have been prepared to face Resy at the scene, Jalan Borobudur, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency.

"We have brought weapons in the car, meaning that it has been prepared. These are grandmothers (or) grandmothers. It doesn't make sense, right," said Reni when met on Jalan Sawi II, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Wednesday, April 3.

"It doesn't make sense, it's beyond reason. It's just because of ngawatain (impurity), he can kill," he continued.

Case Irregularity

The police have revealed the chronology of the murder case that was allegedly carried out by ND against Resy. As conveyed by the Head of Kelapa Dua Police, Kompol Stanlly Soselisa, ND was hurt because the victim was covered with human waste when he entered the shop.

Meanwhile, said Reni, the perpetrator had come to the victim's shop before the stabbing took place. However, Reni did not know what the purpose and purpose of the perpetrator at that time came to the victim before the stabbing incident.

"Before morning at 10 o'clock, at night he (the perpetrator) came," he said.

Responding to the news, Kelapa Dua Police Chief Kompol Stanlly Soselisa denied it. He said the perpetrator had never visited the victim's shop.

'Don't know just buyers and sellers. (This means) spontaneous. (The perpetrator) never met, Stanlly told reporters at Kelapa Dua Police, Tangerang Regency, Tuesday, April 2.

Sharp Weapon Ownership

Regarding the possession of weapons, said Commissioner of Police Stanlly, his party is still investigating the possession of the sword.

"Later we will explore whether it belongs to him or who we have to explore again," he said.

In contrast to the statement with the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kelapa Dua Police, AKP Pardiman. He said the perpetrator bought the sword in the Bogor area, West Java.

"Buy directly in Bogor a few weeks ago," said Padirman.

Legal Snare For Perpetrators

The ND perpetrator was charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code Sub 351 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years in prison.

Interestingly, in a photo received by the VOI team, in a written article statement that the case was written as a premeditated murder.

"The criminal act of murder is planned as referred to in Article 388 of the Criminal Code Sub 351 paragraph 3KUH Pidana," he concluded.

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