JAKARTA - Supporting the empowerment of Indonesian teenage girls, Unilever Indonesia through the Sunsilk, Citra, and Glow & Lovely brands, in collaboration with the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia has succeeded in holding the #Aksicantik event as part of the activities of the Santri Bercercaya (Bercahaya, Sehat, and Confident) in 9 cities in Indonesia for women's students with the peak event at the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta.

This activity aims to inspire acts of kindness in everyday life, such as helping others, maintaining environmental cleanliness, and increasing self-confidence. Also attending this event were the Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Prof. Dr. KH. Nasaruddin Umar, MA, Ustadz Erick Yusuf and Febby Rastanty.

Unilever Indonesia is committed to continuing to support the Indonesian people, one of which is by carrying out various educational and entrepreneurship programs. Many high school & vocational students are still confused about what to do and are confused about what to do. With advances in technology and digitization, students should be able to take advantage of this to find the widest possible information.

However, it turns out that many students still need figures, activities, and information that can provide motivation and experience related to digital utilization in various aspects, such as business, creativity, and the importance of education. In this regard, it is important to hold an activity that can inspire young women about what they can do for their future.

Paramita's daughter, Beauty & Wellbeing Indonesia Marketing Lead, Unilever Indonesia sees the importance of support for empowering young women in Indonesia, especially women's students, as reflected in the challenges and opportunities faced by the younger generation in facing an increasingly complex and dynamic future. Women's students, as part of a potential youth group, need to be prepared with knowledge and skills relevant to today's needs, including understanding digital technology, creativity, entrepreneurship, and understanding of the importance of education.

"The support provided to them will help ensure that they are ready to face the challenges and opportunities that exist in the future, as well as become agents of positive changes in society and this nation," said Putri, Tuesday, April 2.

#Aksicantik is part of a series of Certified, Healthy, and Confident Santri programs) which have reached 710.000 female students and 1.000 Islamic boarding schools in 9 cities in Indonesia, namely Banjarmasin, Semarang, Bandung, Palembang, Jakarta, Lampung, Bengkulu, Padang and Makassar. Through this program, Unilever Indonesia provides support and guidance to students so that they can achieve a brighter future and overcome the challenges in determining their career path.

In #Aksicantik, Sunsilk discusses the Womenpreneur theme which focuses on introducing digital businesses. This includes an understanding of opportunities and challenges in the digital business for women, as well as the first steps to start the business. In the digital business world, special digital skills are needed to succeed, so it's important to learn about them.

There are also tips and tricks that are useful for managing digital businesses more efficiently. Glow & Lovely in this event highlighted the importance of education for women. Higher education has the potential to pave the way for the success of women's private careers and lives, as well as make a positive contribution to society in general.

Citra talks about crafteers, emphasizing the vital role of women in the economy. Their creativity has the potential to produce valuable ideas in the business world, encourage women to become entrepreneurs and have a big impact on the country's economy.

Grand Imam of the Istiqlal Mosque Prof. Dr. KH. Nasaruddin Umar, MA said, as Muslims, we need to do a lot of charity savings that can start from the nearest environment.

"I see Unilever Indonesia, whose products are very close to us, has made many of these savings. Various positive initiatives have been carried out by Unilever Indonesia, both for many mosques, Islamic boarding schools, and students," he explained.

The #Aksicantik initiative does not stop here. Through the Self-Development Class program, Sunsilk encourages women to achieve dreams and develop their potential. The Glow & Lovely Scholarship Star program provides assistance to hundreds of girls to continue their education, opening the door for them to a brighter and more sustainable future. The Beautiful Image Hand-hand program inspired creative ideas in building business opportunities through various handicrafts.

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