JAKARTA - One of the witnesses presented by the Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD camp named Suprapto brought Bulog rice with a sticker that read Prabowo-Gibran with an animated image of the candidate pair number 2 face to the Court of Justice (MK) courtroom.

The rice was intended to be used as Suprapto as evidence submitted to the Constitutional Court.

Suprapto admitted that this rice was handed over to his house in Medan, North Sumatra on January 20, 2024. The rice was delivered by the local head of the neighborhood (kepling).

"At around 15.00, I rest at my house. Someone came to say 'assalamualaikum'. Kepling neighborhood 1 named Supriyadi, said "this is rice, social assistance. But later to (choose) 02 yes. Don't forget, '," Suprapto said at the Constitutional Court hearing, Tuesday, April 2.

Suprapto admitted that at that time his wife opened the door to welcome guests. When Suprapto heard that the rice was distributed to ask for Prabowo-Gibran's support, he did not accept it and immediately left the house.

"Because I am a former PAC PDIP administrator in Medan Petisah, I left my room to meet Kepling neighborhood 1. 'You shouldn't be forced!'. I immediately walked away from my house," Suprapto said.

The Prabowo-Gibran stickerd rice was immediately placed on the terrace of Suprapto's house while the Kepling left Suprapto's house.

"I immediately contacted Mr. Alamsyah Hamdani, Deputy Chairperson of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD. I was taken information and took a sack bearing the Logistics Logistics Logistics and there was a Gibran sticker," he explained.

In addition, Suprapto also reported that the Kepling in his residence also distributed envelopes containing Rp. 50,000 to his neighbors.

"(Giving envelopes) for what? Know?" asked Suhartoyo.

"(Selecting candidate pair) 02 too, sir," answered Suprapto.

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