PAPUA - The Jayapura City Government (Pemkot) plans to build a ban board for swimming at vulnerable points in the Holtekamp Beach area, Muara Tami District.

Acting (Pj) Jayapura Mayor Frans Pekey said the incident of residents drowning on Holtekamp Beach occurred repeatedly.

"So we will also build a post for evacuation in the event of a person drowning on Holtekamp Beach," he said in Jayapura, Tuesday, April 2, which was confiscated by Antara.

The drowning incident occurred on March 27, 2023, with the victim named Melianus Duwitau and previously on March 5, 2024, the victim Jarun (35) was also found dead in the coastal area.

According to Pekey, his party has held several meetings with the police, the SAR team, the Security Implementation Unit (KP3 Laut), and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to discuss the issue.

"And we encourage the post for the SAR team to evaluate, but also the sign or warning tower must be built not only on Holtekamp Beach but also on other coastal friends," he said.

His party continues to appeal to all people in the regions to continue to be careful in maintaining safety, both yourself and the group, when carrying out tourism activities at Holtekamp Beach.

"Because disasters can occur at any time, so vigilance is the most important thing," he said.

He added that in the future his party will also conduct an evaluation with relevant agencies to improve security in the Holtekamp Beach area as a precautionary measure.

"In addition, how can we jointly provide education to the public so as not to carry out tourism activities during extreme weather," he said.

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