MEDAN - Medan Labuhan Police Officer, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) arrested a man extorting a truck driver whose action went viral on social media, last Sunday, March.

"Pelaku Haris berusia 32 tahun, merupakan warga Desa Sinar Gunung, Kecamatan Labuhandeli, Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Sumut," ujar Kapolres Pelabuhan Belawan AKBP Janton Silaban dalam keterangannya, Senin 1 April.

Janton explained, before being arrested, the perpetrator stabbed a truck driver in the Medan industrial area (KIM).

"The action carried out by the perpetrator went viral on social media. Then the Medan Labuhan Police Criminal Investigation Unit personnel followed up by arresting him," explained Janton.

The results of the examination, said Janton, were suspected of often asking the truck driver for money by force. "The perpetrator's actions have been very disturbing to the public. Therefore, strict action has been taken," he said.

According to him, bullying is an act that harms the community and damages the image of public services. Therefore, the Belawan Harbor Police and their ranks will continue to take preventive measures against extortionists.

"The perpetrator will be charged in accordance with the provisions of the law applicable to his actions that harm the community," he said.

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