JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono handed over two foreign fishing vessels originating from state booty to business groups with fishermen and/or fisheries cooperatives in Banyuwangi, East Java to improve fishermen's welfare. "Hopefully this ship can be used as well as possible so that fishermen's catch can be better, and they can catch further, no longer one day fishing as it is today," Trenggono said in a press release received, in Jakarta, Sunday. Two ships with hull numbers KG. 9464 TS measuring 106.67 gross tonnage (GT) and fishing vessels KG 9269 TS with a 60.05 GT tonnage.
In addition to the two fishing vessels, there are still three others, namely fishing vessels TG 94916 TS (80 GT), BV 92602 TS (GT 107), and BV 92601 TS (GT 62) which will also be handed over to business groups with fishermen and or fisheries cooperatives. Trenggono explained that the delivery of fishing vessels was carried out in stages, because his party had to ensure the condition of the ship in a state ready to be used when it arrived at the fishermen's hands. "We certainly want to give the best. When the ship comes, it can be used directly, so it doesn't bother the fishermen who receive it," he said. KKP Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) Pung Nugroho Saksono revealed, five foreign fishing vessels TG 94916 TS, KG. 9464 TS, KG. 9269 TS, BV 92602 TS, and BV 92601 TS were arrested by the KKP Marine and Fisheries Resources Supervision Directorate General (PSDKP) patrol team in the 2022 period in the Natuna waters, Riau Islands.
The Vietnamese ship had no ship documents, did not have documents required when going to sea, and used an unfriendly fishing gear, namely a trawl pair with evidence of mixed fish cargo in the hold.
In 2023, the Directorate General of PSDKP has processed 289 cases of marine and fisheries violations consisting of 218 cases of violations subject to administrative sanctions, 15 cases of violations that were followed up by the local government, and 56 cases of criminally processed violations. Ipunk ensures that the monitoring system of marine and fishery resources will be more stringent in line with the implementation of the blue economy program. The surveillance strategy applies a smart surveillance system through the integration of fleet patrols and airborne surveillance aircraft, as well as satellite technology and large data ocean.
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