JAKARTA - Depression hit small people or the lower layer due to economic difficulties. The difficulty of making a living has triggered the number of stroke sufferers in Indonesia.

This was conveyed by the Chairman of the Indonesian Stroke Foundation (Yastraki) Major General TNI (Ret.) Dr. dr. Task Ratmono, SpN, MARS, MH, (30/03), in a densely occupied neighborhood Pulo Gebang, Cakung District, East Jakarta, Sunday, March 31.

He also asked the government to immediately prioritize environmental-based microeconomic empowerment. According to him, it is necessary to help people who have difficulty making a living.

"We hope that the future government will care about the people of the lower layers who are being hit by difficulties in making a living," said Dr. Task, "Environmental-based micro-level businesses should get care." said dr. Duties.

The environmental-based microeconomics is intended by Dr. The task of referring to service business activities and daily necessities around settlements. The location is easily accessible to local residents. Empowerment involves stakeholders, especially the Ministry of Cooperatives, Medium, Small and Micro Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin).

"He is worried that if it does not get attention, health problems will become more massive. The poor are most vulnerable to stroke and other diseases. Responding to these alarming conditions, Yastroki has scheduled an in-depth study of the problem of poverty related to people's health," he said.

During Ramadan 2024, according to Suhadi, the KRESHNA leadership visited 55 strokers in their respective residences, the Jabodetabek area. The handover of aid last afternoon was attended by Deputy Secretary General of Yastroki Kol. (Ret.) Hari Soesetyo, SKM, MARS. The Jakarta City Foundation Weltevreden was chaired by Toto Irianto who collaborated in various Yastroki activities, accompanying him.

The increase in the number of stroke sufferers in Indonesia is now in the first place in the death rate. Based on data from the Ministry of Health, stroke in Indonesia increased 56% from 7 per 1000 population in 2013, up to 10.9 per 1000 population in 2018. The total number of sufferers ranged from 2.91 million people.

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