JAYAPURA - The flow of homecoming is a special concern ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1445 H. Therefore, PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Pelni) Jayapura has prepared three pioneer ships for Eid al-Fitr 2024 on Cenderawasih Earth.

The ships are estimated to accommodate 300 to 400 passengers. The head of the Pelni Jayapura Nurul Azhar Branch, in Jayapura, Saturday (30/3), said the three ships were the Nusantara Belt 58, the Nusantara Belt 100, and the Nusantara Belt 81 by serving routes to the North Papua region, such as Serui, Biak, and Sarmi.

"At this Lebaran homecoming, we have prepared three pioneer ships, of which in this period no one will undergo treatment," he said as quoted by Antara.

According to Nurul, this pioneering ship is part of the PSO (Public Service Obligation) task, so that the services provided to the community are very maximal especially during Eid moments like this.

"All ships must be ready to serve the entire community in the interior even once," he said again.

His party has also predicted that the number of ship passengers on the transportation of homecoming and backflow on the Lebaran holiday will reach 588,903 people.

"We have determined that the peak season moment will start from March 26 to April 26, 2024, about one month of time, for that to all people who will go home using our ship to buy tickets on the official Pelni website," he said again.

He added, while for the white boat his party prepared five ships, namely KM Gunung Dempo, KM Labobar, KM Ciremai, KM Sibaung, and KM Dobonsolo, while anticipating Pelni's dark passengers also appealed to prospective passengers to buy tickets according to their identity.

"We will carry out strict checks, and that has been implemented, we also urge the public not to carry sharp weapons or sharp weapons when departing because they will be examined and detained if caught," he said again.

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